
zengirl @ 12:16 p.m.

Today is not a good day. My heart is heavy.

Our youngest, Zen (aka La Principessa) will object to cheap food. To the point where she won't eat. I was at one of those premium pet food stores a couple of weeks ago investigating new food for the dog and picked up a sample bag for the cats. Did as instructed, mixing the old with the new and they jumped on it like gangbusters. So we thought.

Didn't think anything of Zen haunting our plates as badly as the dog does for the last little while. We free feed the cats, so we don't see them eating all the time, just that the bowls are empty.

Over the last day or so, we noticed that Zen wasn't as present as usual and that she was noticeably lighter when picked up, with bones almost showing. Damn. She's not eating. So we dashed out and purchased the desired food this AM. No luck. She's past that point. So we went to the nearest vet. Wonderful people. Wonderful office. They took her and within minutes called us back.

She's jaundiced. Her liver's shutting down. It's either liver disease or the response of her liver shutting down because she hasn't eaten. And she has tooth decay/gum disease. Doc said that other vets wouldn't touch it at this point and call her gone, but he was going to try to find out if it was disease or lack of food that caused the problem. If it's the former, there is no hope.

They need to put a tube in her stomach so we can feed her, but she's so deep in the woods right now that she'd die on the table. So if it's the food thing, the'll push liquid down her throat for a day r two, then put a tube n her throat and we'll feed her through that. In any event, it's costing us a lot of money.

I just hope she makes it.

Baby Stankmouth.

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