
stoppit stoppit stoppit! @ 5:53 p.m.

Things are quiet for the moment. Good news this week: AS got the job. Bad news: they won't start him until 5/30 because the guy they hired for the other shift can't start until then and they don't want to waste time training twice. I can see the wisdom, but damn, that's a long time to have to wait. That is also the day I take off for my interview junket. And talk about irony: I told my boss about it (party line is I'm going to visit friends in DC which is not a fib, I actually will see buds of mine while there) and that I didn't know at that point how I was getting to the airport and she totally volunteered to take me.


I feel guilty already whether I get the job or not.

Which is also taking up as much brain space as it can fight against me to get. Half of me wants to think that this is a formality, the face to face meetings. The spirit on the other shoulder says well, obviously it's not. You've only talked to two people on the phone for maybe an hour, hour and a half at best. What makes you think this would be just a formality no matter what they've said so far?

But they're spending a lot of money to do this. The three stop flight. Reimbursing me for the swanky hotels.

Hel-LO, they're an international firm, this is probably just wee drop in a gigantic bucket for them, non-profit girl.

but he told me they gave me the last day open to look for apartments.

He said LOOK, not sign a lease.

But he seemed to like me!

Blah, blah, blahbiddyblah...

And so on.

I need to stop thinking like I already have this job.

In other news, I am determined to get back to working out in a regular fashion. A year or so ago, I splurged on The Firm and got me a 3-in-1 DVD and a fanny lifter. It had even gotten to the point where people who saw me occasionally were noticing me toning up. Alas, that was when Man Unit had begin his apprenticeship and I was a willing guinea pig, starting with a navel piercing that thwarted my workout. Been off and on oever the past year, but not really with any consistency. Worked at it a bit a couple of weeks ago and just couldn't work my way through the main long workout with any gusto. But yesterday I said FUCK THIS FAT and dove in with renewed vigor. Sweated my way like the proverbial whore through the entire 55 minute workout, only dropping a couple of reps here and there and deleting weights from some of the sets. Mad crazy OW today in spots like my abs (had Man Unit count for me last summer how many crunches there are in the thing and he came up with like, fifty or something insane like that), my quads and my pecs. OW. OW. OW. But in a good way. -beams- I will persevere! I mean, hell...the director guy runs marathons for chrissakes...

last time