
told ya @ 10:15 p.m.

2nd entry of the day because I just saw a comment.

Miss Ursa asked how Man Unit was adjusting.


Well, I'd pretty much given up on trying to convince him myself. In the last days, he made a comment about how he's miss all the green because MI was like, the greenest state, officially. "Name your source," I said, in CSI fashion. He couldn't, he just "knew" it. I replied "in the Midwest, maybe" but he remained skeptical. I tried to get him to talk about it, what he expected, to no avail. All he could think was NASCAR (no offense to fans, it's just not our bag) and the theme from Deliverance (the dueling banjos).

He was intensly amazed by the amount of green around the house. It's like someone just put it down in the middle of a forest. Still, he tried to remain cranky. One day as we were on our way somewhere, he slouched in the passenger seat of my car muttering, "It's gonna make me like it here, isn't it?"

I held my tongue.

Then last weekend, it finally happened. He came home from a very quick trip to go and get smokes (god, I love the suburbs), plopped the bag down on the kitchen table and announced, "I give up. I love this place." "Why, what happened?" I purred. When he gave the cashier his card to pay, she swiped it and handed it back to him with the words "you don't need to sign for under 25 dollars, sir."

For the unschooled, a carton of premium smokes runs $40+ in the great state of MI at present.

So for that and many other reasons like Sonic, The Vortex, he is home.

I coulda told him that.

last time