
i know what she'll do @ 5:37 p.m.

I know what she's going to do, because she's done it before.

She will waffle and stall until she gets the bright idea to tell me

Well, I've been praying on it and the lord laid it on me that, well, I just can't do it! I can't because that would be too much like me approving of the choices you've made her way of saying that "girl, you married that man and I still just can't wrap my brain around that") and I know that god still isn't happy with you and he wouldn't be happy with me if I gave you the money. So I just can't! Please understand!

This came to me as clear as day while I was filing at the library this afternoon. Like -ping!- and there it was. So I know what I'm going to say because I'm ready for her.

Oh, is that what he told you? Well perhaps you should have listened closer and heard him say that god doesn't like it when people love conditionally. When people pick and choose how and when they're going to show and share their love. So please don't contact me again until you've explored that particular lesson to the point where you can show me and mine that you understand it. And while you're at it, perhaps you should ask to talk to your husband because it was a lesson that he had learned and held close to his heart. Good-bye.


last time