
can I get a godmom? @ 8:34 p.m.

How am I supposed to get through this? Exactly 4 weeks from now I'll have completed my first flight of the open jaw itinerary with the first stop in DC. I think it's oddly interesting that i began this diary the first time, lo those many years ago with a countdown to an audition. I failed that time. Hopefully this will be different. This time I'm trying to make sure I'm better prepared.

I have to wait four weeks. How am I supposed to stay calm? I'm wigging right the fuck out right now. I spent the last 2 hours finding out everything I could via the web about the folks I'm to meet with. Actually ended up finding a profile interview in the latest issue of an association journal on the director guy I've been corresponding with. Not only did his voice make my gaydar go off, his picture did, too. heh.

And now there's something else in the mix to think about. They're direct billing the flight, thank goodness, but reimbursing me for everything else. When the choices for hotels came through from the travel agent, he casually told me to stay at the MOST FREAKING EXPENSIVE ONE. Instructed, not suggested. While I see the bonus, as it's located within walking distance of the firm, it is 289 FREAKING DOLLARS PER NIGHT. Thank god it's only for one night, but I'm still freaked right the fuck out. And there's still the 2nd night in ATL to think about. I can't even afford to buy cat fud right now, how in the hell am I gonna play the shell game with my check the week before to finance this?

I need a fairy freaking godmother.

last time