
next steps at xlerex @ 5:01 p.m.

Last week I went in to see Choir Director Guy to talk about the upcoming season and his impressions from the season past. He had several points he wanted to address with me (and literally ticked them off on his fingers as he went).

1) Would I stay or go as far as the women�s chorus was concerned? He wants to keep the heights of quality we attained this past year, but if the other key voices on the other parts don�t stay, then the point is moot. So I told him I would if they would.

2) He�d noticed from time to time that I wasn�t singing in rehearsal. Why? Because I was doing what we call �marking� which is barely singing to save the voice but still get the experience needed from rehearsal. Why, he asked? Because I don�t get into vocal fights. With the two blasting away behind me and the evil twins in front of me often giving me the eye when I was �too loud� or god forbid, missed a note, it was just easier. Which led him to number 3

3) Yes, I will be full time next season. And Biddy #1 (the best buddy of Biddy #2 whom I�m replacing as full time staff) is a total busybody. Wants to know everything and thinks it�s her business to know all. But she asks him what�s going on and he is simply an impenetrable wall of geniality. Meanwhile, Biddy #2�s figured it out and rants probably, leading Biddy #1 to be snippy with me. Which led him to #4

4) He is very aware of the evilness that�s been going on. He has no idea why Biddy #1 has such distaste for me, other than the loyalty to Biddy #2. But he admires the way I�ve handled it. Speaking of which�

5) While it is often very clear (�You know it and I know it�) that I may be the best voice for a solo, there is much to consider when that happens. Mainly the choral balance with the voices when a hole is left by the missing voice, but also the whole people managing thing. I apologized for the one tiny tantrum I threw, he said it was fine because I was a paragon of good behavior when that Sunday rolled around. If I�d not been �then we would have had to have had a discussion.� [insert wall of geniality look from him here] But I told him that I totally got it, just was a) having an already horrendous day and b) it was the only solo I�d ever asked him for and it was the proverbial straw.

So. Onward.

last time